
Pregnancy Diagnosis

The physical changes in women due to pregnancy are very significant. From accurate pregnancy diagnosis to management.


**Pregnancy Diagnosis** 

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the expected date of the next menstrual period, and pregnancy is possible from about five days before ovulation to three days after, which can be referred to as the fertile window. However, if menstrual cycles are irregular, the ovulation date may vary, making it difficult to predict the exact ovulation date and fertile period. In such cases, ultrasound can be used to monitor the thickness of the endometrium and the growth of follicles to predict ovulation.

**Early Pregnancy Symptoms** 

Early pregnancy symptoms can vary from person to person, with some experiencing no symptoms at all. If you encounter any of the symptoms listed below, be sure to visit Apple Obstetrics and Gynecology for a diagnosis.

- **No Menstruation** 

If your period has not occurred even after the expected date, you should consider the possibility of pregnancy. Initially, a urine test can confirm if you are pregnant. However, the absence of menstruation alone cannot definitively confirm pregnancy.

- **Nausea** 

You may experience digestive issues, nausea, and changes in taste. These symptoms start around six weeks into pregnancy and can gradually worsen, though they may resolve as pregnancy progresses; personal experiences can vary, and some may experience symptoms throughout the pregnancy.

- **Feeling Heavy and Tired** 

You may feel heavier, and motivation for work can decrease, leading to feelings of depression or emotional changes. It’s possible to feel lethargic even after many hours of sleep.

- **Frequent Urination** 

As the uterus grows, it may press against the bladder, leading to a desire for frequent urination. This symptom may improve after the mid-pregnancy stage due to positional changes of the uterus.

- **Increased Vaginal Discharge** 

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to increased vaginal discharge. However, if there is itching or an unpleasant odor, a vaginal infection may be suspected, necessitating medical attention. Early treatment for vaginitis during pregnancy helps create an environment conducive to fetal growth.

- **Breast Enlargement and Pain** 

Breast growth, firmness, and discomfort can occur during pregnancy due to hormonal influences. The color of the nipple and areola may darken.

- **Abdominal Pain and Discomfort** 

As the uterus enlarges during pregnancy, you may experience sharp abdominal pain or a pulling sensation in the pelvis.

- **Cold-like Symptoms such as Headaches and Low Fever** 

Hormonal changes may disrupt your body’s temperature regulation, leading to alternating sensations of feeling cold and hot.

- **Dark Brown Discharge** 

In early pregnancy, after implantation, you may experience painless brown discharge as the gestational sac grows. In this case, it is important to rest, and if accompanied by pain or heavy bleeding, you should visit a hospital for evaluation.

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